Donate to Media of Langue

Thank you for considering a donation.

Media of Langue is a non-profit project, with no advertising orsubscription fees.

However, in order to keep this project alive, ongoing expensesare unavoidable, including server costs for site and datacreation, as well as engineering costs. If you resonate withthis project and believe in its importance, please consider making a donation.

Also, Media of Langue is still in its early stages, and at this very moment, we are collecting data from all over the world, improving the accuracy of the system, and gathering advice from experts in various fields. If we can gather enough donations, we can greatly accelerate the speed of this improvement, and in a few months, we may reach a state of perfection that is far from what it is today.

Thank you.


The following gratuities are available to those who donate.

Donations of $1000 or more

Publication on the site

Print work of the Media of Languefor the word of your choice.

Donations of $999 or less

Publication on the site

How donations are used

Server: In order for all users to be able to use the new dictionary on a daily basis in a fast and smooth way, we need multiple powerful servers, and our current equipment is not up to the task. We also need a server for data development to keep the data we use up-to-date and to continue to improve its certainty. Keeping servers up and running requires funding.

People: Currently, Media of Langue is developed and managed by a small staff of volunteers, but this has its limits. If more people participated, we would be able to solve many of the current problems and continue to improve the quality of the tool on a consistent basis.

Research: This project is a medium that reflects the world. In order to reflect the world more carefully, its methods should continue to be researched and open to criticism by experts and others. The data depicted in this project are extremely important data about the universality and diversity of “language” and “humanity," and we are also conducting research using this data. We hope to use a small portion of our donation to fund these studies.

Donors who support Media of Langue

DateDonor NamePrice
2024/03/23旭 博佑$2
2024/03/23諏訪園 佳綾$2
2024/03/23眞鍋 美祈$2
2024/03/01Enginee inc.$3129